In the late '70s, photographer Bill Bernstein tirelessly documented NYC's freaky and fabulous nightlife, producing some of the most iconic images of the disco era. We talk about the unique conditions that birthed the disco movement, photographing in the dark and the scene at legendary clubs like Studio 54, Paradise Garage, GGs Barnum Room and Xenon, plus his current work shooting Brooklyn's gender-fluid nightlife scene.

In the late '70s, photographer Bill Bernstein tirelessly documented NYC's freaky and fabulous nightlife, producing some of the most iconic images of the disco era. We talk about the unique conditions that birthed the disco movement, photographing in the dark and the scene at legendary clubs like Studio 54, Paradise Garage, GGs Barnum Room and Xenon, plus work touring with Paul McCartney and shooting Brooklyn's gender-fluid nightlife scene.

Things discussed in this episode:
- Bill Bernstein's website - A selection of Bill’s portraits and nightlife photography throughout the ages.

- Bill Bernstein Fine Art - Buy prints from Bill’s extensive archive.

- Saturday in the Park exhibit - Bill’s photographs exhibited in West Palm Beach, Florida, from February 20 - April 1. Stop in if you’re in the area!

- Larry Levan and the Paradise Garage - An article on the infamous NYC nightspot and its DJ godfather via RBMA.

- Night Fever: New York Disco 1977 - 1979 - Landing page for Bill’s long-running exhibit at NYC’s Museum of Sex

- Afterhours - Trailer for Afterhours (1985), Martin Scorcese’s excellent black comedy depicting a crazy night out in Downtown NYC in the ‘80s.

- Studio 54 - A New York Times article on the Studio 54 documentary, about one of NYC’s most legendary clubs of all time.

- Village Voice - Archives of the Village Voice, the free paper which covered arts/entertainment/counterculture in NYC from 1955-2018 and where Bill got first big break.

- New York Gritty - Photos that show the tough streets of NYC in the 1970s.

- Stonewall Riots- The history of the 1969 Stonewall Riots in NYC, a big turning point for the gay rights movement.

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Episode 6: MS Easy


Episode 4: JUBILEE